Serve your website content via multiple data centers across the planet

When someone visits your site, its content will be delivered from the data center that's closest to the visitor

Rocket Cloud CDN

⦿ 10GB CDN Traffic Bandwidth
⦿ CDN activation for main domain
⦿ 12 Data Centers Across the Planet
⦿ Zero Latency
⦿ Static Caching
⦿ SSL support
⦿ Brotli support
⦿ HTML, CSS, and JS minification
⦿ Image compression and lazyload
⦿ No DNS Configurations Needed
⦿ Dev Mode
⦿ Astronomical support

Cosmic CDN

⦿ 50% OFF (Promo)
⦿ Unlimited CDN traffic
⦿ CDN activation for all domains, subdomains & parked domains
⦿ Custom TTL
⦿ Data Centers Across the Planet
⦿ Zero Latency
⦿ Dynamic & Static Caching
⦿ SSL support
⦿ Brotli support
⦿ HTML, CSS, and JS minification
⦿ Image compression and lazyload
⦿ No DNS Configurations Needed
⦿ Dev Mode
⦿ Always online
⦿ Astronomical support

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